Welcome to week 11 of kindergarten, which is a short week with kids and includes a field trip to the zoo and family conferences! It’s a short, busy, but fun week packed with lots of learning and kindergarten October lesson plans!
Kindergarten October Lesson Plans: Lesson Plans
You can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our lesson plan templates here:

Kindergarten Lessons: Word Family BOOTCAMP

We successfully completed ABC BOOTCAMP, so this week, we’re starting Word Family Bootcamp! Word Family Bootcamp focuses on decoding, blending, segmenting, spelling, writing, and reading CVC words! This week, we’re working with -at and -ap words! We do two word families a week, and the focus is on all three sounds in the word! We do circle charts, word chaining, and word writing, and we use decodable texts!

Kindergarten October Lesson Plans: Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp

This week, we also continue Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp! Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp is all about hearing the sounds and the oral language. We start with sentences and work our day down to sounds in words, segmenting, etc. This research-based resource is designed for each lesson to take about 10 minutes. Then we move to Word Family BOOTCAMP, which has explicit phonics instruction focused on blending, decoding, spelling, and writing CVC Words. This week in Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp, we’re working on skill 4, which is Rhyming or the same ending sound.

Kindergarten October Lesson Plans: Sight Words
This week, we’re continuing sight words in our classroom using our science of reading-aligned resource: Sight Word 60! And yes, you can still teach sight words as long as you teach students to decode, spell, write, and read the words in context! We’re not teaching them to memorize words anymore.

Here’s the routine:
Monday: I will introduce the words by segmenting the sounds, decoding the words, spelling them, and using the word in a sentence.
Tuesday and Wednesday-review the words with segmenting and decoding the words; kids use the words in a sentence
Thursday-sight word: Students find and color the word!

Friday-we play a game to practice the words!
Kindergarten October Lessons: Stellaluna
This week, we are wrapping up our required curriculum, so we have some flexibility with our read-aloud, so it’s all the fun October read-alouds starting with Stellalluna! This classic book is the perfect book to go along with our bats unit!

We will be reading the book for two days. On day 1 we’re going to do a story map to retell the story. On day 2, we’re going to sort statements from the story as fact for fiction!

This week we’re also reading another classic, Room On The Broom!

After reading the story we will sequence the story to retell the story!

We will also be doing a directed drawing of a witch!

Kindergarten October Lesson Plans: Bats
This week we’re wrapping up our Bats Research Project! We have learned so much about bats, mammals, omnivores and nocturnal animals! That’s why we love our research projects! They’re so engaging and appropriate and the kids gain so much knowledge and vocabulary!

This week we’re doing a true false sort which is great for higher order thinking and provides great insight into how much students have learned about bats!

This week we’re learning about bats using a can-have-are chart, and we’re labeling the parts of bats to learn about adaptations and habitats!
We’re also comparing bats and birds! This is a great activity to bring the book Stellaluna into our bat research project to combine informational text and narrative text!

And finally, we complete our schema map! Students will share what they’ve learned about bats and we will address any misconceptions from our schema!

Kindergarten Lessons: Addition And Subtraction
This week, we’re continuing to work on addition and subtraction. This week we’re continuing to work with equations! We’re taking lessons from our curriculum and making them more hands on and engaging. And yes, there is a lesson with a beaver theme!
Monday is subtraction. We get to be beavers and subtract sticks. I can’t make this up. Beavers. For the sticks, we’re using pretzel sticks. The curriculum has this all being done on slides, so we make it hands-on! And yes, we put a picture of a beaver on our smart board to set the stage! I write an equation on the board, students write the equation and answer on the recording sheet.

For addition, we’re adding goldfish! We will put fish into the fishbowl and add more fish! And yes, we’re using goldfish! I write an equation on the board, and students write the equation and answer on the recording sheet.

Family Conferences
Friday of this week is our family conference day. I love conference day because I get to connect with families and make a plan for students’ success. We use our Parent Conference Forms to keep our conferences organized and effective!
These editable forms allow us to share student strengths and areas for growth. Families like the picture we include and the document they can take with them!

And your admin will love them too!

We also provide copies of our ESGI reports so we can discuss growth and areas to work on. I like these reports because they’re so visual and easy for all families to understand.

We also have these communication logs that we’re loving because we can keep track of when we communicate with families and not have to scroll through our Talking Points messages when we need a date of a communication!

Kindergarten Lessons: Morning Meeting
This week, our greeting will be a jack-o-lantern greeting. This will be a PowerPoint greeting where the kids pop of out of the jack-o-lantern and we greet them!
Our activity will be passing a spider ring using straws!

Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week:

For more information, check out these posts: