Week 25 of kindergarten is a short week due to an in-service day on Monday, so our February lesson plans are just four days this week! This week is definitely more laid back than last week because we don’t have a full moon or Valentine’s Day! We’re also wrapping up our 2D shapes unit, so we have some review time in math!
February Lesson Plans: Shapes, Bear’s Loose Tooth, The Little House, Black History Month for kindergarten
You can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our lesson plan templates here:

February Lesson Plans: Phonics And Phonemic Awareness

This week, we’re continuing Blends Bootcamp with digraphs. We are continuing with sh, th, ch, ch, and ng. Last week, our curriculum introduced -ng. However, it only introduces ng and not -ing, -ang, -ong, or -ung. So, this wee,k we’re going to use our Secret Stories and introduce ing, -ang, -ong, and -ung because teaching ng on it’s own just doesn’t make sense. It makes more sense to do it the way we plan to do it.

For these activities, we’re using our digraph cards!

For phonemic awareness, we’re moving on to skill 6 of our Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp. Skill 6 is syllables. We will be stomping syllables, using sticky notes to count syllables and sorting words by the number of syllables!

We’re going to play a few games and do some fun activities to practice decoding, blending, and spelling words with digraphs!
The first is our own version of the game Tapple. Welcome to classroom Tapple. We put giant letter cards in a circle. Say the word and segment the sounds. Students stand on the letters to spell the sounds. THe rest of the class is writing their words on whiteboards.

Another game we’re going to play is FIND OUR FRIEND! We hide a picture of a kid behind cards with digraphs written on the cards. I say a word, and students find a card with the correct digraph. The goal is to find the picture of our friend!
February Lesson Plans For Social Studies And Reading: The Little House
This week, we’re continuing our third module of our required reading curriculum.
This week, we’re reading the book The Little House. I know people LOVE this book but it’s just not a fave of mine. We’re focused on retelling, questions, and answers, and using text evidence to see how the house changes over time.

February Lesson Plans: 2D Shapes Activities
This week we are wrapping up 2D shapes with Shapes Bootcamp.

We’re assessing our shapes knowledge this week with three different assessments: a shape sort, a shape identification activity, and ESGI! For ESGI, we’re identifying the shapes and their attributes (USE CODE SMORGIE TO TRY ESGI FREE FOR 60 DAYS!). Shape sorting is another shape identification assessment. Finally, we’re doing a shape attributes activity. Kids will color the page, count how many of each shape and write how many sides and vertices. This activity will be added to Shapes Bootcamp soon!

For our review day, we’re going to focus on counting and numbers. We’re going to play the headbands game. I know this game is usually used for phonics, but I want to use it for math. On the cards will be a number. Students will have a ten-frame recording sheet. They will find a partner, identify the number, and color the ten frames.

February Lesson Plans: Bear’s Loose Tooth
On Friday, we’re going to read to Bear’s Loose Tooth to get ready to learn about teeth! After reading the story we will sequence the story! (PS Ya’ll. I HATE teeth. Periodt.)

Black History Month For Kindergarten
February is Black History Month, and we spend time this month learning about African American heroes from Tennesee, but we are also intentional about learning about and incorporating African American heroes in our learning all year long. In February, we choose local heroes to learn about in accordance with our standards. We also choose people that the kids know! This year, we’re learning about Oprah and Wilmar Rudolph, who have ties to Tennessee, and we’re learning about Michael Jordan!

February Lesson Plans: President’s Day
If you’re looking for a low-prep way to teach about presidents, grab our President’s Day Research project and have your kids write about being president!

Foodie Fun Friday: Love Parfait
This week’s Foodie Fun Friday is a Love Parfai!

Morning Meeting
This week our greeting is the shoe greeting!
Our activity is bubbles! I blow bubbles, but the kids have to practice self-control and NOT touch the bubbles!

Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week: