Week 24 of kindergarten will be a lot of fun, pretty wild, and memorable because it’s Valentine’s Day! Why is this holiday such a high holy day for kindergarten? Why are they more wired than at Halloween or Christmas? We’re gonna embrace the energy and have fun this week with our Valentine’s Day activities!
Kindergarten Lesson Plans: Valentine’s Day Activities
You can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our lesson plan templates here:

Kindergarten Lesson Plans: Phonics And Phonemic Awareness

This week, we’re continuing Blends Bootcamp with digraphs. We are continuing with sh, th, and ch, and this week, we’re adding -ng to our lessons. This is in keeping with our required curriculum. We combine ing, ang, ung, and ong words.

For these activities, we’re using our digraph cards!

For phonemic awareness, we’re moving on to skill 6 of our Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp. Skill 6 is syllables. We will be stomping syllables, using sticky notes to count syllables and sorting words by the number of syllables!

And since it is Valentine’s week, we’re going to do a fun phonics activity called “It’s raining hearts!” I write words on hearts and put them in an umbrella. Then I flip the umbrella upside down and the hearts rain down. Students grab a heart and decode the word!

This week, we’re also putting our phonics skills to work to make a bouquet of flowers using our Bouquet Of Phonics Project!

For this project, we differentiated the skills so all students could be successful. We did sounds, letters, and CVC words! Students got the flowers they read correctly. They colored them, cut them out, and added them to their vase! Adelynn loved it so much she made two of them this weekend!

Past And Present: Reading Comprehension And Social Studies
This week, we’re continuing our third module of our required reading curriculum.
This week, we’re focusing on how home and school have changed, and we’re going to write about life today and long ago.

Kindergarten Lesson Plans: 2D Shapes Activities
This week we are continuing with Shapes Bootcamp and learning about 2D shapes!

This week, we’re going to play guess the shape, make shapes with different materials, and make animals using shapes.
For the animal activity, we’re using our Build It Up! Animal cards! Students use pattern blocks to make their animals!

For guess the shape, we put shapes in a bag. I grab a shape and describe the attributes. Students have to identify the shape and color the shape on their paper.

Get the free coloring page here!
We also focus on a shape day to create individual shape anchor charts! We identify the shape; students identify the attributes: 2D or 3D, sides, vertices, and real-life objects for that shape!

Valentine’s Day Activities
Well, it’s Valentine’s Day, so let’s just embrace the wild ride this week is going to be! Let’s have fun and make memories! Here are some of our favorite Valentine’s Day activities this week!
First up is a classic Valentine’s Day read-aloud: The Day It Rained Hearts. We love this book because it has such a great message of friendship!

We will be sequencing the story, completing a story map, sorting nouns, graphing hearts, and stacking hearts! All of these activities are included in our Read It Up resource!

Stacking hearts is a perfect STEM activity for this week! I give students a pile of conversation hearts and challenge them to make the tallest tower they can make!

We’re also doing candy heart graphing! It’s a must-do math lesson for Valentine’s Day!

If you’re looking for a different way to use candy hearts, do an estimation activity! Fill a bowl with candy hearts and have students estimate how many hearts they can grab! Then have students grab a handful of hearts and count how many they grabbed! Compare their estimate to how many they actually grabbed!

Valentine’s Day Activities: Measurement
This week, we’re also measuring ourselves in hearts! We’re going to estimate how many hearts tall we are. Then we will measure how many hearts we are tall!

We’re also going to do a simple and fun art project! Ya’ll. Trust me. Do this. Grab some plastic Valentine’s Day cookie cutters and some paint. Kids love this! I give them paper and let them create with their stamps!

We’re also reading these two books this week:

Valentine’s Day Activities: Valentine’s Day Party

After 20 years of teaching, I’m never more tired than on Valentine’s Day party day. I dunno why, but it’s true. I’ve tried it all to make it less WILD, but it’s just a wild day. Last year I finally found something that was easy, fun and didn’t involve us eating 539 cupcakes and 2.5 pounds of sugar. Get ready for NACHO AVERAGE VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY! Ya’ll. We exchange our Valentine’s cards and have NACHOS! It’s so easy.

Families donate the food except the nacho cheese. I buy a large can of cheese and melt it in the crockpot. We make nachos and enjoy them! Easy. Fun. Different.

We also have another tradition that will continue this year. Each year, I make a Valentine’s Day shirt with all of the kid’s names on it! It’s so funny to see them realize that my shirt has names on it and then for them to realize it’s their names!

Kindergarten Morning Meeting
This week, our greeting is our heart greeting. I print kids’ names on hearts. We choose a heart and greet our friend. Our activity is to pass a foam heart using clothespins.
Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week: