Week 29 of kindergarten means we’re starting a new research project packed full of kindergarten weather activities. We’re reading my all time favorite book, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, continuing to work on cvc_e words and vowels and 3D shapes! It’s another jam-packed week of fun and learning!
Lesson Plans: Kindergarten Weather Activities, 3D Shapes And Vowels
You can download our weekly lesson plans by clicking on the image!

You can get our lesson plan templates here:

Lesson Plans: Phonics And Phonemic Awareness

This week, we’re continuing with CVC_E words in our phonics lessons. After our first week of Vowel Bootcamp last week, we had 95% mastery of decoding cvc_e words and 80% mastery of spelling CVC_E words!! I’m so proud of the kids, and it feels good to see our resources work so well! Just like all of our BOOTCAMP curriculum, we will have circle charts for explicit instruction, dictation, spelling, decoding, and lots of practice with vowels!
This week, we’re doing two cvc_e patterns: o_e and u_e. We will spend two days on each. Day 1 is the circle chart, and Day 2 is dictation, blending, and spelling. We’re also doing decodable text in whole group and small groups!

Since we’re doing o_e this week, we’re also going to do our Rose Words activity! We did this last year and kids loved it! (And yes, I have a cardigan to wear for this activity!)
Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp
We will be using our large letter cards to spell and blend cvc_e words!

Kindergarten Weather Activities: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
This week, we’re kicking off our weather unit, and it’s packed with some fun kindergarten weather activities! Our tradition is to start our weather unit with the book Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs. It’s such an amazing book and a fun way to get kids thinking about the weather.

We make predictions about the story, complete a story map, and identify the real and fantasy parts of the story. Then we graph and write about our favorite foods and which foods we want to fall from the sky!

To set the stage, we do a very mini classroom transformation. We use a few food themed pool floats and a picture on our smartboard.

And yes, there is a costume. Of course, there is. I can’t read my most favorite book ever and not have a costume…

We also make fun art projects, but be careful because sometimes a fun art project takes a turn.

Kindergarten Weather Activities: Weather Unit
This week, we’re learning about weather with our Weather Research Project! We learn about different types of weather, we do daily weather observations and record our observations, and this week, we’re going to be the winner by blowing feathers!

Our weather unit starts and ends with a schema map! This helps us document our learning and understand our misconceptions!

We also start on day 1 with a weather word activity. This is a simple way to get kids talking and thinking about the weather. Students share all the weather words they can think of!

This week we’re learning about the sun and the wind. We do a read-aloud and record our learning on our graphic organizer.

To help us understand how wind works and affects weather, we get to become the wind! You know the movie Ms. Congeliaty where the pageant coach tells her to be the crown…yeah…it’s the same thing. Be the wind. We use straws to see how far we can blow a feather!

Each day of the week, we also make daily weather observations. Our boss of the day serves as the meteorologist and looks outside to tell us the weather conditions. We use weather.gov to get the current temperature. Students record their observations in their Weather Observation Journals.

Kindergarten March Activities: 3D Shapes
This week, we are continuing to learn about 3D shapes! We did 2D shapes a few weeks ago and now the curriculum has us doing 3D shapes.

This week we’re doing cones, cubes and pyramids for our graphic organizer, we’re sorting 2D and 3D shapes and creating our anchor chart since we didn’t get it done last week!

And finally, to wrap up our shape learning, we have a shape party! Students bring in foods to represent 2D and 3D shapes! We sort the shapes, identify the shapes by name and attribute and then we get to EAT THE SHAPES!!

Morning Meeting
This week our greeting is a spaghetti greeting. Student pictures will appear from behind a plate of spaghetti. It’s the perfect greeting for Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs week!
Our activity is to pass a meatball (or a brown pom pom!)

Click below for the resources we are using in our classroom this week: