Lesson Plans: Kindergarten Weather Activities, 3D Shapes and Vowels


Lesson Plans: Kindergarten Weather Activities, 3D Shapes And Vowels

kindergarten weather activities
kindergarten weather activities and lesson plans

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Kindergarten Weather Activities: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs

We make predictions about the story, complete a story map, and identify the real and fantasy parts of the story. Then we graph and write about our favorite foods and which foods we want to fall from the sky!

kindergarten weather activities set the stage to engage
kindergarten weather activities cloudy with a chance of meatballs
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Our weather unit starts and ends with a schema map! This helps us document our learning and understand our misconceptions!

kindergarten weather activities schema map

We also start on day 1 with a weather word activity. This is a simple way to get kids talking and thinking about the weather. Students share all the weather words they can think of!

kindergarten weather activities weather vocabulary

This week we’re learning about the sun and the wind. We do a read-aloud and record our learning on our graphic organizer.

kindergarten weather activities wind lesson

Each day of the week, we also make daily weather observations. Our boss of the day serves as the meteorologist and looks outside to tell us the weather conditions. We use weather.gov to get the current temperature. Students record their observations in their Weather Observation Journals.

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