March 1st Saturday Kindergarten Post!

Happy Saturday!  It’s time for the Saturday Kindergarten Post!  Our weekly peek into all the chaos and learning in the land of the mustaches.  I was so excited for a nice, normal 5 day week with no special this or special that.  No days off or weird weather.  Just 5, 8 hour days with the ‘staches to settle into our routine.  BAM!  Stomach virus.  So much for that normal 5 day week.  But we got a lot accomplished.  
We’ve moved onto unit 2 of Writing Throughout The Year so we’re now making our first book and man, are we stoked.  We’re so stoked that this is the best writing I’ve seen them produce to date!!!  We’re mastering our long vowel/cvc-e words.  We’re mastering addition and subtraction word problems.  And most importantly, we’re masters of the hand washing and hand sanitizing.  I’m pretty sure we went through 3 large bottles of sanitizer Friday.  No.  more. germs.  Got it??
So, who’s ready to see what our week was like?  Minus the gory details of THE VIRUS!?  Unless you want details…then I can share with you…
This week we learned about African American leaders.  I have to admit that Jackie Robinson is on of my faves to teach.  I love baseball and so I love his story.  We read about him and we made these super cute jerseys.  The idea came from my teammate, Mrs. B.  How awesome is this?!

This week was also all about teeth.  We learned about the dentist and taking good care of our teeth.  We made tree maps about the dentist and the tooth fairy.  Did you know that the tooth fairy gives you gold and silver teeth?!  True story.  We used our tree maps to write about the tooth fairy.  And we used the writing as part of a super fun and super cute tooth fairy creativity!!!  How freakin’ cute are these guys and gals?!?!?!
We also collected and analyzed data on lost teeth.  We surveyed 10 of our friends on whether they had lost teeth or not.  We then completed our recording sheet complete with pie chart and data analysis.  We also made a class graph to visualize our data.  Can you believe we still have 1 person who has not lost a tooth?!?!   
PS  Mr. Greg doesn’t mind blood, vomit, body fluids or other kindergarten messes…but the loose, wiggly tooth will send me to the floor cold in an instant.  Seriously…that grosses me out.  Just writing this is making me woozy….teeth…blech.
This awesome dental health and tooth fairy goodness came from First Grade Fever!  
We made our V words circle map.  Vote, volcano, vulture, violin, van, violet, vet, Vanderbilt.  
We later spelled the words and counted the syllables.  One day, I will make sure to get a picture of the finished circle map.
And of course, we made hats.  You must make a silly hat!  V for volcano.  It’s ironic…Monday we made a volcano hat.  Wednesday Mr. Greg felt like an erupting volcano.
And since I didn’t get to post Wednesday or Thursday centers, here’s a peek at our centers for the week!

 And now my Currently!
The mister has washed and dryer every piece of cloth in the house trying to eliminate the germs.  He was so good while I was so sick.  And he wore his little doctor mask any time he came around me…and last night if I came near him he sprayed me with Lysol…he’s still not getting close to me today…allegedly you’re contagious for 3 days after you were last sick…today is day 3.  
You see, I have a brain that never stops.  It’s why I don’t sleep a lot…last night I was lying in bed and BAM I had an idea for a super cute and fun pig week project…then it took…ideas, activities…even ordered books on Amazon!  Thanks Amazon Prime and One Click Purchasing!  Stay tuned…
I have super nice Canon camera…bought a super cool new lens…just need to figure out how to take super cool pictures…
I truly am blessed beyond all that I deserve.  That is all.
Three things.   They all have something in common?!

Be sure to head over to my friend Farley (even though she took the mustaches off her blog…ugh!) and check out all of the other great Currently posts and tell Farley to bring back the stache!

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