Happy Hump Day!  It’s all downhill from here.  And I get to wear shorts tomorrow since the AC in our room is out.  They were “fixing” it when I left today…BUT…the maintenance man said he was fixing the motion detector and that would solve the problem…ummm I ain’t all handy and stuff, but I’m about 99.9999999% that the motion detector controls the lights and not the AC…just saying…
So, Wednesday means it’s a peek into our literacy centers and math tubs!  We’ve been busy this week so there is lots to see today!  Here ya go!
I love this center because it’s free/cheap and I have about a zillion dominoes!!!  It’s great for addition and the ‘staches love using the dominoes.  I have glitter domino clip art and I am SUPER tempted to make glitter dominoes to use….someone talk me down!
Click on the picture to download your free recording sheet!

This is another fun center that is free/cheap.  It’s engaging because it uses food!  And who doesn’t love food and math?!  I don’t always let them use animal crackers…but sometimes we break out the cookies just because!  CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO GET YOUR FREE ANIMAL CRACKER SUBTRACTION CARDS!

click the picture to learn more about boogie boards
Seriously…these Boogie Boards (click the link to see the on Amazon) are epic.  They can be used for so many things.  I handed this one to my pal and said write sight words.  And off he went!!!!  Such a simple way to bring new life to an old  center!!  

A little dealing’ with subtraction!  Glitterific fun in math!

I was impressed with how well the ‘staches are rocking this place value center!!!  It really has helped them grasp the concept of tens and ones!!!  

Here’s what I love about kindergarten and teaching…the students are just brilliant.  This is now how I designed the aliens and underwear making 10 center to be used…but this ‘stache figured it out and it works!!!  Gotta love their little brains!!!
Pirates.  Subtraction.  Pirate erasers.  Nuff said.
Thanks to Target for the pirate erasers!!!!!!  

Pool noodle place value is a huge hit.  Who wouldn’t love learning tens and ones with giant noodles?!?!  Click the picture to see my original pool noodle post!

We love our QR codes!

Snappin Numbers is making a difference.  This is my EL student who is having a hard time grasping addition.  Today he chose this center and took off!!!!  HAPPY DANCE!!!  He did all 20 cards and they were all correct!!!  Ain’t nothing better than seeing a student GET IT!!!  (And knowing that something you created helped them…)  Man, I love my job!

Adding and subtracting and walking the room.  And check it, the Boogie Board makes an appearance!  

Seriously loving this sight word center.  The ‘staches fight over who gets to use it.  I mean how cute and springy is this?!?!?!?!?!?!
It’s the Boogie Board again!!  Easter eggs (CHEAP) or if you’re like me…FREE because you’ve hoarded a billion plastic eggs like they’ll never make them again…if you want a recording sheet for your Egg-celent math centers, click the picture!

And a little What Does The Fox Say for good measure!  
Told ya centers has been busy!!!
You can check out many of our centers by clicking the pictures:

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