It took me a minute to start using anchor charts because I didn’t believe I was talented enough to create them. Although I didn’t fully understand their value. Eventually, after a few years, I firmly believe they should be in every classroom.

Some benefits of anchor charts:

  1. Student involvement! We create them in class TOGETHER because it’s a team project. It gets students involved, which means engagement is increased and learning is happening!
  2. Review concepts! They provide a visual review of concepts, and if they are displayed in the classroom, they provide a source of ongoing review!
  3. Create a print-rich environment! They provide sources of kid-friendly print, which is vital for students learning to read and write!

Some of My Favorite Anchor Charts:

Name Writing –

This is our first one of the school year. I have students write their names on it which sets a baseline for name writing! We do it again in December and then again in May in order to show our progress!If you laminate this chart, it will last all year, obviously, this takes a large laminator, so if you have one, consider yourself lucky!

name writing anchor chart

ABC Bootcamp™ Circle Maps – 

These circle maps are how we introduce letters and sounds during our 26-day ABC Bootcamp™!  For further information, click the image below! If you are not currently using ABC Bootcamp™, you need to consider it, especially if you teach kindergarten; however, it works for pre-k and 1st-grade classrooms as well.

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten –

Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready For Kindergarten

School Supply Anchor Charts –

These are part of our Back-to-School Research Project. We make a tree map for each school supply to learn how to use our classroom supplies. This project includes over 25 of the most generally used supplies in an early elementary classroom, however there are some that might not be as common (ie … glue sponges).

Number Bootcamp Circle Maps –

These circle maps are made during our Number Bootcamp™.  This is how we introduce numbers to 20 during the first 20 days of school!  For more info on Number Bootcamp™ click the image! Number Bootcamp™ is done simultaneously with ABC Bootcamp™.

What Is A Label?

We use anchor charts to introduce labels. Then, we do a writing activity where the students draw and label Mr. Greg!  For more on this activity, check out this post!

What Can We Write About?

This is a very important one because one of the most significant issues for our kids when it comes to writing is what to write about. This chart helps them know that they can write about ANYTHING!


Read the book Run, Turkey, Run!  Discuss verbs and have students brainstorm as many verbs as possible!

OO Words

This is a fun chart to make while working on OO words!  I write oo words on plastic spoons using a Sharpie. The kids take turns choosing a spoon and reading the word.  Then, we hot glue the spoon onto the chart.  Obviously, hot glue means the teacher does the gluing.

For more ideas on teaching OO words, check out this post!

EE Words

Read the book Sheep In  A Jeep.  Students choose a sheep and read the EE word. Then, we glue it on the Jeep! For more ideas on teaching EE words and to see how we bring Sheep In A Jeep to life, check out this post!

AR Words

Shark Words are engaging and fun and help us learn our AR words!   Students choose a shark tooth, read the AR word and glue the tooth in the shark’s mouth!

anchor charts

Addition And Subtraction Bootcamp Circle Maps

These addition and subtraction circle maps are a little more challenging because students have to find the equations that equal the number on the circle map! However, this is typically done much later in the year.

Vowels Circle Maps

Shapes Chart –

We make these charts for 2D and 3D shapes!  We make shape people (or shape monsters) and use them to help us create the chart!  You certainly need to check out Shapes Bootcamp™ for more shapes activities! Shapes Bootcamp is typically done subsequently to Numbers Bootcamp™.

QU Words

The wedding of Q and U is a highlight of the kindergarten experience.  As part of our Q and U wedding, we come up with qu words and create this anchor chart!  For more on our QU wedding, check out this post!

qu words anchor chart

Ya’ll, do I have tips?  You know I have some tips…

You’ll need a circle maker.  Trust me.  I’m not one to get hung up on things being perfect…however,  we do so many circle maps and honestly, I was embarrassed by our lopsided circle maps. A friend gave me this idea: use a paint stir stick to make a circle maker.  You certainly could use a ruler with holes in it; however, if you make your own, you can drill holes in the paint stick so that you have any size circle you need. Check out this post for directions to make your own circle maker! 

Prep ahead of time!   I prep all of my anchor charts or class charts on Sunday.  Do I make the charts?  NO. I prep them. I get the skeleton ready, but I haven’t filled in the information. That’s where the kids get involved. Prepping them on Sunday means I’m not stressed and rushing around all week making anchor charts! TIP:  Make them and put them in the car.  All that prep work doesn’t do any good if you leave them at home! True story.

And, of course, use smelly markers!  All. the. smelly.  markers.

How I Store Them –

I have a few different ideas for organizing and displaying anchor charts! Here are three of them. 

First, we have this area above our cubbies where we keep current anchor charts! It’s made with a bulletin board border and clothespins!

Second, anchor charts on a rope! We have a rope stretched across the room, and we hang them on that rope!  Click on the image below to get all of the details on our anchor chart rope. Obviously, not everyone can hang things from the ceiling due to fire codes, so continue on to the next idea that should work for anyone!

Third and finally, once we take the charts down from the rope and the wall, we keep them for the kids to use.  And they WILL use them.  My students love looking at all of our charts, so we made this PVC anchor chart stand where we hang all of our charts!  Click the image to get all of the directions to make your own chart stand!

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