Sight Word Practice: Sight Word Ball Pit

Sight word games are one of the best ways for our students to get hands-on, engaging sight word practice that’s also aligned with the science of reading.   Sight word games also allow us to differentiate our sight word practice and target the words our students need to practice.  The best way to target that instruction is by using ESGI to assess your students on their sight words.  ESGI then generates a report that shows the most missed words so you can target those words for sight word practice!  (USE THE CODE SMORGIE TO SIGN UP FOR A 60 DAY FREE TRIAL OF ESGI AND SAVE $40 OFF THE SUBSCRIPTION PRICE!)

Sight Word Practice:  Sight Word Ball Pit

The newest sight word game in our classroom is going to be our sight word ball pit!

Here’s what you need to make this sight word game:

ping pong balls

sight word practice

I used these colorful ping pong balls for the words.  And I also mixed in white ping pong balls to fill up the ball pit!

You will also need a container for your ball pit!  I used a Sterilite container that cost me $5.

Simply use a Sharpie to write your sight words on the ping pong balls.

sight word practice

That’s it.

Now throw the sight word balls into your container along with the white ping pong balls!  And you have a sight word ball pit!

sight word practice

(NOTE:  I used my Silhouette Cameo to put the words on the container.  This is not necessary and can be done with paper and markers!)

To use the sight word ball pit, students simply reach in and grab a ball.

They read the sight word. They decode the sight word.  They spell the sight word.   Then they write the sight word.  You can also have them use letter tiles or magnetic letters to build the sight word.

Note:  students are required to use hand sanitizer before using the ball pit and we spray the ball pit with Lysol between uses!

Want the Recording Sheet? Click Below:

For more sight word games and ideas, check out these posts:

sight word practice

For engaging, hands-on sight word games and centers, check out these resources:




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