Happy Schedulin’ Sunday! It’s Chicka Chicka Boom Boom week! I love this time of year because we are working through ABC BOOTCAMP and get to see the amazing growth and excitement that comes with Bootcamp and we’re having a blast with Chicka Chicka! This week we’re also continuing Number Bootcamp and working on friendship, counting, and of course focusing on procedures and routines!

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom: Lesson Plans

As always, you can download our weekly lesson plans here:

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

This week we will read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and work on letters and sounds using Read It UP:  Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!  We will incorporate science and the five senses as well!

chicka chicka boom boom

We will use a predictable chart to build reading fluency and practice letters, numbers and names!

Another great letter recognition activity is to have students choose a felt letter, say the letter and sound and then stick the letter to the coconut tree. But, wait for it….I AM THE COCONUT TREE!

To incorporate science, we use our five senses to describe a coconut. And then we get to taste coconut and we graph if we like coconut or not!

And to kick off our Chicka Chicka Boom Boom week, we pop some balloons! We place letters in the balloons and students pop the balloons and identify the letters!

For more ideas, activities, art projects and lessons for CCBB, check out this detailed post!


This week we are continuing ABC BOOTCAMP! ABC BOOTCAMP is the research-based curriculum we created to help students learn letters and sounds in 26 days! This week we are learning F-J. For each letter, we make a circle chart, a hat and do explicit handwriting instruction.

We are continuing to use a special edition of ABC BOOTCAMP!! This year we are using the brand new ZOO KEEPER ABC BOOTCAMP from our friends at Alive Studios. This version of ABC BOOTCAMP is EXACTLY the same as our 5 themes but features the zoo animals from Alive Studios. ZooKeeper ABC BOOTCAMP is only available with the purchase of a Letters Alive Kit from Alive Studios. But don’t worry, you can purchase ABC BOOTCAMP in any of the 5 themes from our TKS Store or TPT!

Alive Studios will have all the details of ZooKeeper ABC Bootcamp on their website soon. Check back to their website for all the details!


And since we’re learning J this week…we get to make a Jeep hat and explore Mr. Greg’s Jeep!

For more on ABC BOOTCAMP, visit this post!

Sight Word Reader

This week we are reading our first sight word reader (emergent reader!) These are a shared reading activity that we use each week to build reading skills and fluency as well as confidence in our readers! Grab your free reader here:

Math: Small Groups: Ten Frames And Counting

This week in math we are continuing NUMBER BOOTCAMP with numbers 10-14

Ten Frames!

This week we will work on counting and ten frames in small groups! This week will be all about differentiating instruction and working on counting to 10 or 20. All of our students can count to 5 so we’re focusing on 10-20.

For our small group lessons, we will be using our Cookie Counting Creation!

For more on Number Bootcamp, visit this post:

Foodie Fun Friday: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

This week we will make a Chicka Chicka Boom Boom snack! We use pudding cups, graham crackers, Whoppers, green taffy and Pirouette sticks!

Weekly Creations

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