Kindergarten Gingerbread Week: Math, Writing, And Lesson Plans

kindergarten gingerbread week lessons and activities

Kindergarten Gingerbread Week: Lesson Plans

kindergarten gingerbread week kindergarten lesson plans
kindergarten activities and lesson plans

Kindergarten Learning Activities: Word Family BOOTCAMP

kindergarten learning activities for phonics

This week we’re also using our Digital Word Building tool! This is such a great way to word chaining and the kids LOVE it!

Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp

kindergarten activities phonemic awareness

Sight Words

kindergarten december lesson plans for sight words
kindergarten activities for sight words

Kindergarten Gingerbread Week: Reading Comprehension

Read The Gingerbread Man and sequence the story!

kindergarten gingerbread week read aloud ideas

We will also read these versions of gingerbread stories and complete our story map. As we read the different versions, we compare and contrast the stories. And yes, the girls get very excited that The Gingerbread Girl is smarter than the others and doesn’t get eaten!

We love The Three Tamales because it incorporates the culture of many of our students. I love The Gingerbread Boy because it’s in a completely fun and unique setting!

kindergarten gingerbread week story map

Kindergarten Gingerbread Week: Writing

This is always one of my favorite writing activities because the kids create hilarious things. Sometimes, they even say things you don’t want them to say. Just saying… We do turn and talk and share things we would run from if we were gingerbread. We create our graphic organizer. Then, students write and draw what they would run from!

Kindergarten Gingerbread Week: Math

For addition and subtraction, we are going to do ornament math. I make a giant tree from paper and use some ornament printouts (you can use real ornaments!) to practice adding and subtracting to 10! I might even change to a gingerbread activity. Same idea. Make a gingerbread cookie and add or subtract “candy”! See…I told you…it’s a grab bag.

kindergarten gingerbread week math activities

We’re also going to measure ourselves using gingerbread!

We tape gingerbread to the wall and students estimate how many gingebred cookies tall they are. Then we measure to see how tall we are! We record the data on our chart. I also snap a picture and we print them off and add them to our recording page!

For our graphing lesson, we’re going to take a bite from our gingerbread cookie and graph the results! Each kid gets a gingerbread cookie. They take ONE bite (head, arm, leg) and then we graph the results. And every year, I ask myself why do these kids always go for the head??

To kick off gingerbread week, we use our green screen and take some fun pictures!

kindergarten gingerbread week green screen ideas for the classroom

Kindergarten Lesson Plans: Holidays Around The World

December means it’s time for my favorite unit of the year. Hands down, I love this more than anything we do all year. I love the learning, the engagement, and how we incorporate so much from our students. And ya’ll, it’s fun—just fun, and that’s what we need!

Here’s how our trip around the world works: each day, we visit a country to learn about their traditions, we learn the language, we learn the food they eat, and we even locate the country on a map. We use Google Earth to find the country on the map. And we stamp our passports. We even get an airline ticket for the trip!

This week, we’re traveling to Japan, which is a brand new addition to our Holidays Around The World resource. The rest of the week will be spent learning about holidays without traveling. We’re learning about Ramadan, Diwali, and Hanukkah.

For each holiday, we also do an art project! Here’s what we are doing this week:

Holidays Around The World: Foodie Fun Friday

This week for Foodie Fun Friday, we’re going to enjoy our traditional Holidays Around The World feast! We have traditional foods such as applesauce for Hannukah, tamales from Mexico, and Panettone from Italy, and we also have some foods like Christmas tree cakes that represent other countries and holidays!

Kindergarten Morning Meeting

This week our greeting is our gingerbread greeting! This is a PowerPoint greeting!

Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: FREEBIES


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