Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: Holidays Around The World, CVC Words, Decomposing Number


Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: Lesson Plans

kindergarten december lesson plans
kindergarten activities and lesson plans

Kindergarten Learning Activities: Word Family BOOTCAMP

kindergarten learning activities for phonics

This week we’re also using our Digital Word Building tool! This is such a great way to word chaining and the kids LOVE it!

Kindergarten December Lesson Plans : Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp

kindergarten activities phonemic awareness

Kindergarten December Lesson Plan: Sight Words

kindergarten december lesson plans for sight words
kindergarten activities for sight words

Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: The Year At Maple Hill Farm

kindergarten december lesson plans for the year at maple hill farm

Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Spoon

This week, we’re also reading a December favorite: There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Spoon. We will sequence the story and identify the parts of the story that are real and fantasy.

kindergarten december lesson plans and books

Kindergarten Lesson Plan Ideas: Decomposing Numbers And Number Bonds

weekly lesson plans for kindergarten worksheets
kindergarten december lesson plans decomposing numbers

Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: Holidays Around The World

December means it’s time for my favorite unit of the year. Hands down, I love this more than anything we do all year. I love the learning, the engagement, and how we incorporate so much from our students. And ya’ll, it’s fun—just fun, and that’s what we need!

Here’s how our trip around the world works: each day, we visit a country to learn about their traditions, we learn the language, we learn the food they eat, and we even locate the country on a map. We use Google Earth to find the country on the map. And we stamp our passports. We even get an airline ticket for the trip!

This week we’re visiting: Mexico, Australia, Italy and Japan. Next week, we will learn about Hannukkah, Ramadan, Diwali, and Kwanzaa.

holidays around the world activities for kids
kindergarten december lesson plans for social studies

For each country, we also do an art project! Here’s what we’re doing this week:

Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: Foodie Fun Friday

This week for Foodie Fun Friday we’re making a wreath using red and green tortilla chips!

Kindergarten Morning Meeting

This week our greeting is a new greeting. We’re going to pass the ornament. I found inflatable ornaments so we’re going to greet our friends and toss the ornament.

Our morning meeting activity is also passing the ornament. We’re going to pass a mini ornament using plastic spoons.

Kindergarten December Lesson Plans: FREEBIES


For more information, check out these posts:

kindergarten learning activities CVC words

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