February Lesson Plans: Shapes, 101st Day Of School, A Crankenstein Valentine


Also…I had oral surgery Friday, so I’m on meds if you see anything in here that seems crazier than normal…you know why! You have been warned…

February Lesson Plans

february lesson plans for kindergarten
kindergarten activities and lesson plans

February Lesson Plans: Phonics And Phonemic Awareness

phonics worksheets for kids

This week, we’re continuing Blends Bootcamp with digraphs. We did our circle charts last week and worked on decoding and writing words with digraphs. The kids did great, but I noticed in decodable text that they didn’t notice the digraphs, and we were still having some issues with the sounds. So this week, we’re going to be doing digraph sorts, lots of decodable texts, and continuing to read and spell words with digraphs.

For these activities, we’re using our digraph cards!


For phonemic awareness, we’re moving on to skill 6 of our Phonemic Awareness Bootcamp. Skill 6 is syllables. We will be stomping syllables, using sticky notes to count syllables and sorting words by the number of syllables!

february lesson plans phonemic awareness worksheets

Past And Present: Reading Comprehension And Social Studies

february lesson plan kindergarten social studies lesson plans for past and present
february lesson plans for learning about past and present
february lesson plans for american then and now

February Lesson Plans: 2D Shapes Activities

february lesson plans for 2D shapes

february lesson plans shapes lessons

We’re also starting our shape/not a shape sorts to identify shapes and their attributes. Studnets have to identify the shape as a hexagon or not a hexagon and justify their answer using the attributes!

February Lesson Plans: 101st Day Of School

So what had happened was…as we planned for the 100th day of school we were kind of blah about it. Now, being at my new school for the last two years has re-energized my teaching, and I’m all in on all the things, so when I wasn’t super excited for the 100th day, I knew we needed something new. So this year we’re doing the 101st day of school. And I cannot wait! The kids are dressing up in black and white. I got a costume. Our numeracy coach is dressing as Cruella. It’s going to be epic!

february lesson plans for the 101st day of school

Here’s what our day will look like:

101st day of school phonics-the students write 101 words!

101st day of school ideas
101st day of school ideas

101st day of school writing-smart puppy-what we have learned in 101 days

february lesson plans for writing

101st day of school math-do you have a dog graph

101st day of school math lessons

101st day of school science and social studies-lable the dog

And yes, we’re making hats and we get a certificate!

february lesson plans for the 101st day of school

February Lesson Plans: A Crankenstein Valentine

february lesson plans a crankenstein valentine
february lesson plans a crankenstein valentine

And then we do two of my favorite writing activities! What makes you cranky, and what makes you say YECH? I love hearing the kids respond to these because they crack me up. These are great for language building and great writing activities because kids can easily connect with these ideas.

February Lesson Plans: Valentine’s Day Art Projects

This year we’re doing two fun Valentine’s Day art projects: mosaic hearts and bubble wrap hearts! For the mosaic hearts, we have done torn paper ( great for fine motor skills), and we have done true mosaic, where I precut the paper into little squares. If you want less work…torn paper all the way! For bubble wrap hearts, we paint different colors onto bubble wrap and the kids press their paper into the bubble wrap. When the paint dries, they cut out their hearts!

Kindergarten Morning Meeting

This week, our greeting is heartbreakers! We use a PowerPoint slide and the heart breaks to reveal a picture! We greet the friend by saying good morning!

February Lesson Plans: Foodie Fun Friday

This week, our Foodie Fun Friday snack is a Valentine’s parfait! Vanilla pudding colored pink and smashed Oreos!

kindergarten snack ideas


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