

Welcome to The Kindergarten Smorgasboard Blog! Please enjoy our posts, and we invite you to comment.


Shark Week FREEBIES!

It’s shark week!!  Who doesn’t love shark week and sharks?!   I mean, I would totally swim with the sharks if I could!   Since

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pumpkin letters

Bunny Counting

Ya’ll know I love to scour the aisles of Target and Wal-Mart and Dollar Tree to find fun things for my little ‘staches to use

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Shamrock Counting

Ya’ll know I love DIY projects.  And glitter.  And ya’ll know I’m not normal and I like to be different and out of the box.

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Dollar Tree Centers

Ya’ll know I love me some Dollar Tree.  I mean, where else can you spend $20 and walk out with bags full of stuff that

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